While migrating one of my rails application on rails 3, I thought of using rack-bug simultaneously for improving performance.
Following are the steps which I used for configuring rack-bug for rails 3 (3.0.6).
1. Install rack-bug (branch rails3) as plugin
cd vendor/plugins
git clone -b rails3 https://github.com/brynary/rack-bug.git
If you want to you it as gem then add following line into Gemfile
gem 'rack-bug', :git => 'https://github.com/brynary/rack-bug.git', :branch => 'rails3'
2. Replace the code from file actionview_extension.rb
which is avilable in vendor/plugins/rack-bug/lib/rack/bug/panels/templates_panel/ as specified in bug of rack_bug repository
if defined?(ActionView) && defined?(ActionView::Template)
If you are using gem override the specified file in some way
3. Add following lines into your config.ru
require 'rack/bug'
use Rack::Bug, :secret_key => "someverylongandveryhardtoguesspreferablyrandomstring"
run myapp
4. Start your server and access the URL http://your_app/__rack_bug__/bookmarklet.html
and enter the password.
1. Install rack-bug (branch rails3) as plugin
cd vendor/plugins
git clone -b rails3 https://github.com/brynary/rack-bug.git
If you want to you it as gem then add following line into Gemfile
gem 'rack-bug', :git => 'https://github.com/brynary/rack-bug.git', :branch => 'rails3'
2. Replace the code from file actionview_extension.rb
which is avilable in vendor/plugins/rack-bug/lib/rack/bug/panels/templates_panel/ as specified in bug of rack_bug repository
if defined?(ActionView) && defined?(ActionView::Template)
ActionView::Template.class_eval do
def render_with_rack_bug(*args, &block)
Rack::Bug::TemplatesPanel.record(virtual_path) do
render_without_rack_bug(*args, &block)
alias_method_chain :render, :rack_bug
If you are using gem override the specified file in some way
3. Add following lines into your config.ru
require 'rack/bug'
use Rack::Bug, :secret_key => "someverylongandveryhardtoguesspreferablyrandomstring"
run myapp
4. Start your server and access the URL http://your_app/__rack_bug__/bookmarklet.html
and enter the password.